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Our Blog Advice How to get pet hairs out of your carpet Pet fur can become a real pest when it’s all over your home. It can make the place feel dirty as carpet fibres can trap in the pet hair, making it difficult to clean with a standard vacuum clean... Read More
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Our Blog Advice Wool – care and maintenance Having purchased your new carpet, it is natural to want to maintain it. We have put together a short guide to help with this.Have you signed up to our WOW program? The Wool Owners Warranty is a specia... Read More
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Our Blog Advice Nylon – care and maintenance Having purchased your new synthetic carpet, it is natural to want to maintain it. We have put together a short guide to help with this. Daily Care It is very important that regular vacuum cleaning is... Read More
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Our Blog Advice Polypropylene – care and maintenance Having purchased your new polypropylene carpet, it is natural to want to maintain it. We have put together a short guide to help with this. Daily Care It is very important that regular vacuum cleaning... Read More
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Our Blog Advice How to get smells out of carpet Try as we might to keep our homes looking clean and smelling fresh, it’s only natural that accidents happen that may cause your carpet to smell. Whether you’ve spilled a drink, your child... Read More
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Our Blog Advice Thinking beyond: eco-friendly carpet made from Econyl® In today’s world, sustainability and environmental consciousness are becoming increasingly important. Our appetite to create and buy new products is infinite but the planet’s resources are... Read More
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Our Blog Advice The benefit of wool carpet with Perfect Home Kingsmead Perfect Home is a carpet made entirely from Wool Britannia yarn. 100% British-made, the wool is sourced from farms across all four nations of the UK, helping local farmers and the planet ali... Read More
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Our Blog Advice How to get wax out of a carpet Knowing how to get wax out of a carpet is a must for anyone who enjoys lighting some candles for a relaxing evening.    Cleaning stains on a carpet is the last thing you want, and if you don... Read More
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Our Blog Advice How to remove common ‘Christmas’ stains from carpets Christmas is full of fun, food and presents – but it can also leave you with stains on carpets, clothing and upholstery! From red wine to muddy footprints, Jon Flannigan, a carpet cleaning exper... Read More
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Our Blog Advice How do I clean stains on my carpet? Cleaning stains on your home carpet requires different regimes and solutions depending on the carpet composition. Some carpets are easy-clean meaning stains can be removed with just soap and water, wh... Read More
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Our Blog Advice Which carpets are best for children?   There’s no avoiding the fact that kids are messy. From spilling food and knocking over drinks to muddy shoes and messy play, it is inevitable that your carpets are going to get dirty. So,... Read More
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Our Blog Advice How to measure your stairs for carpet So, you’ve made the decision to jazz up your stairs with a comfy new carpet, and you can’t wait to browse online and look at all the carpets available to choose from. But, before you can c... Read More
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Our Blog Advice What are the differences between each type of carpet? Buying a carpet isn’t something you do every day and you’ll want a new carpet to last for a good few years. Beyond the colour and what it feels like, most people want a carpet that is styl... Read More
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Our Blog Advice What carpet is best for pets? Pets can really make a house feel like a home, but they can also make a mess too. So, if you have a cat that likes to scratch or a dog that likes to dig in the garden, you’re going to need floor... Read More
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Our Blog Advice Common considerations for wool carpets Treatments Care must be taken if applying stain guards or other such treatments after installation. Over saturation can result in damage to the structure of the carpet.  Pilling Pilling can somet... Read More
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Our Blog Advice What benefits does man-made carpet have? Carpets made of man- made fibres such as Polypropylene and Polyester are a popular choice for a variety of reasons – cleanability, durability, softness and appearance. In this guide, we’ll... Read More